...Jason's back, tell a friend.
Okay, sorry about my little leave of absence, my computer went kaputz on me after a power surge busted my internet.
And I don't care how kaputz is spelled, I spell it how I want. Shut. Face.
Getting off the topic of shutting faces, today has been boring for the most part. I'm taking night classes in leadership, but I never listen, and I didn't even sign up for the damn thing. My dumbass friend Bryce signed me up, because he thought that, "It would be better, when you become famous in your writing career, to be able to speak publicly."
It's true that I'm not that good at public speaking. On the internet? That's a different story. I've actually got a horrible case of stage fright, which is ironic, considering I usually perform in front of crowds of people who live on my street and know that I've converted my garage into a miniature stage for whenever I finish making a new song to try out.
(don't ask how long that takes. Figure it out for yourself. You'll need about fifty pieces of good, strong wooden planks, sixty folding chairs, a bunch of guitar amps, a drummer, a backup guitarist, a lot of electrical wires, faith that you won't accidentally plug your guitar into your ass, if you even PLAY guitar, and people who actually know how to sing.)
Meh... I might just go and get myself kicked out so I don't have to put up with freaking Emmet trying to get me into a more public speaking basis. It's not like I really WANT to be famous, my dreams of becoming an author include, in fine text, the words: AND WHEN I SAY AUTHOR, I DON'T MEAN TOM CLANCY, STEPHANIE MEYER, OR WHOEVER ELSE IS INCREDIBLY FAMOUS.
Seriously, I just want to know people enjoy what I write. I don't need a fancy multi-billionaire personality, I don't need a fifty-story mansion, I don't need to be secluded on the highest hill at the highest point of California. I just want to know that people enjoy my stuff. No need for me and Marina to become the next Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Rhianna and Chris Brown, and certainly no need to become the next Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.
You guys, if you want to be famous, fine by me. DON'T make me a celebrity. I'm just normal, hang-around, mellow and relaxed, Has a boring life, but probably more interesting than the people next door, Jason Haley.
Ah' kay?
(BTW, here's a picture of my buddy, Leif's pet Dingo, who he named Ringo, y'see? Ringo's actually a bit older than this picture, but he's still, as Marina puts it, "Cutie-wootie-woo-woo-woo!" *Gigglesnort*)