Huh. So, all those papers on the floor in your office is your HOMEWORK?
Name's Jason Haley. I'm an author, so don't expect a lot of drawing art out of me. I can't draw worth my life. I do, however, enjoy playing games online or offline. Favorites would be: shooters, racing, and maybe some RPGs on the side.
Age 35, Male
Author, smart-*ss
What school? I'm out of it.
Somewhere. I won't say.
Joined on 7/22/09
Huh. So, all those papers on the floor in your office is your HOMEWORK?
Half of them are fan mails. The other half is homework.
w8.... those r books?????????????? i thoughts tehy wer just games
Nah, they're books too. Ubisoft just took Tom Clancy's ideas and video game'd them.
You can find the books at a local book store near you.
(Oh... my god... That sounded so corny.)
You know what's amazing to me? That one kid who thinks homework is about as important as remembering the distance from your balls to your head (one meter, by the way,)hasn't come on raving and screaming at you.
Give it time. I always leave my news posts up for at least a full day, so in that time, something SHOULD come up.
Good thing I'm researching Shanghai before making a story about it.
Hey, I might even go there for better inspiration.
Might not be a bad idea.