Wow, for once, Salem and I weren't the first people to respond.
Name's Jason Haley. I'm an author, so don't expect a lot of drawing art out of me. I can't draw worth my life. I do, however, enjoy playing games online or offline. Favorites would be: shooters, racing, and maybe some RPGs on the side.
Age 35, Male
Author, smart-*ss
What school? I'm out of it.
Somewhere. I won't say.
Joined on 7/22/09
Wow, for once, Salem and I weren't the first people to respond.
Now that's a scary thought.
Yeah, I have to agree with Z on this one.
By the way, are you going to divulge how this gun works, just like you seem to enjoy doing whenever you buy a new pistol?
Or do you keep that kind of thing to yourself on the 'net?
Meh, I might as well TRY to get an idea of how it works. I've shot an AK before, it shouldn't be THAT foreign...
Wait, how'd you get your hands on an AK in the first place? Can you buy those?
Well, first off, I love how nobody has yet made an attempt to read the actual post and only look for the typical gun picture I post XD
And second, I shot one on my trip to Russia to visit my brother. He enlisted in the Russian Military recently. So that's how I got a hold of one.
Your bro's in the military?
What branch, and what rank? I'd like to know, because I'm half Russian. Remember?
He's in the Naval Infantry, and a Petty Officer 2nd Class. Says he's working for Captain 3rd Rank, but it'll take him a while to get there.
mgs4 ak
Wow, I didn't think anybody would recognize it!
Sweet guess, dude!